Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday (2/9/11)

Wow! Wednesday again! Here is my work in progress for the day... Mermaidens (and Mermen) from the Wee wonderfuls book.
I just love these little guys! Unfortunately, the numbness in my hands makes it difficult to finish all the hand-stitching right now, so it's very slow-going, but I'm getting there. These are going to be a 1st birthday gift for my cousin's daughter whom I adore soooo much! The fabrics are vintage quilt fabric that I got from my grandmother. She probably found them at Goodwill or something, but they worked perfectly for the look I was going for.
Also, I have been working (again, slowly but surely) on my string quilt pillow covers. See my previous post for a pic of the pillow progress. More progress next week!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pillow Progress

A little progress has been made. I finished the quilt piecing for the top of one of the couch pillows. It took longer than I expected (about 1/2 hour per block), but I'm not really in a huge hurry. I do want to baste the tops to some batting and quilt some straight lines before I assemble the actual pillow cases.
I also have 4 mermaids to finish. Those would be quick & easy were it not for my assumed carpal tunnel. OUCH!
It's weird. As much as I want to sew, I keep being lazy about actually doing it. My sewing space isn't ideal and I hate having to pull things out and then put them away after an hour of sewing. Plus, my husband tries to get a little sleep during the day thanks to his overnight job, so I have to be quiet. Someday things will be better and I'll have some space all to myself, where I can just shut the door and not worrying about "cleaning up". Someday...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday Work

On this oh so snowy Wednesday (the 6th one in a row here in Maine) I finally got my "sew-jo" back. I started making my first string quilt blocks. I plan on making 8 total, for my 2 couch pillows. The living room really needs a little brightening up and I think these pillows will do the trick. Now, back to work!